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AS 3543:2014 pdf free

AS 3543:2014 pdf free.Use of standard Ringelmann and Australian Standard miniature smoke charts
The standard Ringelmann chart shall be used under daylight conditions and held or fixed facing the observer in a vertical plane as shown in Figure 2. Where possible the chart should be in line with the stack exit, and placed so that the chart and the smoke have a similar sky background. The chart shall be at such a distance from the observer that the lines appear to merge, with each square forming a uniform shade. For most observers this distance is in excess of 15 m.
Observations should be carried out, as far as practicable, under conditions of uniform general illumination from the sky. However, if observations are made with the sun shining,or with the sky bright on one side, the bright source of illumination should be approximately at right angles to the line of vision, and not in front of or behind the observer. The white square (No. 0) provides a useful indication of the illumination and will reveal any overshadowing or uneven illumination of the chart. It also facilitates the detection of rain spotting or other soiling of the chart. Under hazy conditions, readings shall not be taken at extreme distances as there will be a tendency for the readings to be low.
It is desirable that the angle of view of the chart and smoke emission should be as low as possible, therefore observations at a steep angle should be avoided.
The darkness of the smoke at the point of emission, commonly where it leaves the stack,shall be compared with the chart shades to establish the shade number that best matches,together with the duration of smoke emission. The darkness of smoke that is intermediate between two shades may be estimated to the nearest quarter Ringelmann number in favourable conditions.AS 3543 pdf free download.

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