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ISO TS 18223:2015 pdf free

ISO TS 18223:2015 pdf free.Nickel alloys – Determination of Nickel con tent
Dissolution of a test portion in a mixture of hydrofluoric, hydrochloric, nitric and phosphoric acid, and fuming after addition of perchloric acid.
If necessary, addition of extra hydrofluoric acid and, if desired, addition of an internal reference element (scandium recommended).
Dilution of the test solution to a known volume. Nebulisation of this solution into an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer and measurement of the intensity of the emitted light (including,where appropriate, that of the internal reference element).
The method uses a calibration based on a very close matrix matching of the calibration solutions to the sample composition and a bracketing of the mass fractions between ±2 % of the approximate content of nickel in the sample to be analysed.
The content of all elements in the sample has, therefore, to be approximately known. If the composition is not known, the sample shall be analysed by some semi quantitative method.
The advantage with this procedure is that all possible matrix interferences will be minimized which will result in a higher trueness. This is important for spectral interferences which can be severe in very highly alloyed matrixes. All possible interferences shall be kept at a minimum level. Therefore, it is essential that the spectrometer used meets the performance criteria recommended for the selected analytical lines.
The wavelengths reported in Table 1 have been investigated and the strongest possible interferences are given. If other wavelengths are used, they shall be carefully checked. The wavelength for the internal reference element should be selected carefully. The use of scandium at 363,07 nm is recommended.
This line is interference-free for the elements and contents generally found in nickel alloys.
The spectrometer can be either a simultaneous or a sequential one. If a sequential spectrometer can be equipped with an extra device or simultaneous measurement of the internal reference element line,it can be used with the internal reference method. If the sequential spectrometer is not equipped with this device, an internal reference cannot be used and an alternative technique without an internal reference element shall be used.ISO TS 18223 pdf download.

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