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ISO TS 13582:2015 pdf free

ISO TS 13582:2015 pdf free.Health informatics一Sharing of OID registry information
Today, due to lack of standardization of the set of metadata (both content and structure), existing OID registries are not compatible. Contents, attributes, and rules of the assignment of OIDs of existing registries are incompatible and often dissimilar. Many registries still distribute OIDs in a form only suitable for direct text processing (like spreadsheets) that is error prone and hard to automate. There is a need to store and transfer collections of OIDs and also to keep some registries completely in sync,maintaining the contents and the structure of metadata of each of the registered OIDs, e.g. descriptions, comments, versions, links, relations, responsible organizations, and persons.
Data exchange can be facilitated by a standardized representation of a required minimum set of metadata as an XML structure together with the associated checks of underlying constraints and business rules. This XML structure for importing and exporting OIDs among different registries should be achieved for supporting eHealth applications. In addition, the failure to have a standard for the operations needed to coordinate and synchronize the contents of disparate OID registries leads to confusion and ambiguity for the community that uses eHealth information containing references to objects identified by OIDs.
There are currently at least hundreds of OID registries in active use throughout the world. These are sponsored and operated by disparate entities, ranging from national governments to individual companies or standards organizations, to individuals in a specialized area or industry. In many cases,more than one of these registries address the same industry segment, and have overlapping content,i.e. specific OIDs exist in both, or worse, different OIDs identifying the same object exist in both. This distributed set of disparate registries servicing a particular industry (specifically Healthcare IT) has led to awkward and error prone searching processes. To get information about existing OIDs, a search within all existing registries is needed, for example, to avoid duplicate assignment of multiple OIDs to one and the same concept. In order to standardize the activities to synchronize all existing OID registries and to ensure further interoperability, it is essential to have a defined exchange format and business rules for maintenance of the OID registries that must cooperate in a particular industry.ISO TS 13582 pdf download.

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