ISO TR 7637-5:2016 pdf free
ISO TR 7637-5:2016 pdf free.Road vehicles一Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling
With these setup and tolerance definitions, all existing pulse generators can be verified successfully. But the limited definitions and wide tolerances lead to different test results with different test generators and especially under load conditions as described in 4.3.3 and Annex A.
Resonances and nonlinear behaviour of test generators, occurring when a real DUT is connected and powered via the pulse generator, cannot be detected with the existing verification method. Hence, more detailed definitions of pulse shaping, coupling and decoupling network and an enhanced verification definition are necessary.
Extended verification setups represent a wider range of application load impedances. These may be expected in real applications and enable to determine the available power. Based on the existing verification setup, an extended set of termination impedances is defined and the pulses are described with closer tolerances.
The following set of verification impedances is defined in Table 2:
一open load conditions;
一matched resistor to generator source impedance;
一low resistive load to simulate applications with high current consumption;
一resistive-capacitive load, to simulate low power loads (e.g. sensors).
This set of termination networks define the relevant values for the frequency spectra of the pulses.
The performances of 16 pulse generators, specified for pulse immunity test according to ISO 7637, have been verified in order to check the compliance with the standard and the behaviour under real test conditions with supply and typical loads.
In the first step, the test setups for generator verification defined in ISO 7637 were used and the compliance with the specification was checked. In the second step, the generator input was connected to a power supply and the pulse generator output was loaded with different load impedances as given by real devices under test (DUT). In both setups, the pulse waveform and the specified pulse parameters were monitored.ISO TR 7637-5 pdf download.