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ISO TR 24679-2:2017 pdf free

ISO TR 24679-2:2017 pdf free.Fire safety engineering – Performance of structure in fire
The built environment is an airport terminal that has been provided with automatic fire alarm system, sprinkler system, fire hydrant and smoke control system, etc. Furthermore, the fire service brigade dedicated is located approximately 1 km away from the airport terminal. Consequently, their intervention has been taken into account in definition of fire scenarios. The heat release rates (HRR) of combustible products, which could be found at the different locations of the terminal, have been defined by fire tests. An advanced model has been used to define the thermal action in different volumes of the studied terminal. The thermomechanical behaviour of the principal structure of the terminal, based on advanced and simplified methods, is carried out in function of the real thermal actions defined previously.
This case study is intended to illustrate the steps given in ISO 24679-1. Therefore, the following design process has been adopted.
The objectives, functional requirements and performance criteria are defined according to the statements in related codes and standards of China.
This document assesses the fire safety of the main and secondary portal frame of an airport terminal.
Therefore, the performance criteria are defined according to the requirements of CECS 200, which is a technical code of China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization.
According to the related national codes and standards of China, the fire safety objectives of this airport terminal should address
一the life safety (occupants inside the airport terminal and fire fighters), and
一conservation of property and continuity of operations.
In order to fulfil the fire safety objectives, the functional requirements of the steel structure should be:
一no serious damage to the structure or successive collapse in case of fire.
Therefore, efforts should be put on how to prevent or limit the partial structural failure in case of fire so as to protect the life safety of the occupants and fire fighters, and how to prevent or limit the structural deformation or collapse so as to reduce reconstruction cost and ensure the continuity of operation and not to increase the cost or difficulties of the after-fire restoration.ISO TR 24679-2 pdf download.

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