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ISO DIS 9000:2014 pdf free

ISO DIS 9000:2014 pdf free.Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary
The quality management concepts and principles described in this standard give management the capacity to meet challenges presented by an environment that is profoundly different from that of just a few decades ago.
The context in which the 21st century organisation works is characterised by accelerated change, globalisation of markets, limited resources, and the emergence of knowledge as a principal resource. Society has become better educated and more demanding, making interested parties increasingly more powerful. This clause provides a way of thinking about the organisation more broadly, by providing fundamental concepts and principles to be used in the development of a Quality Management System.
Quality focused organizations embrace a culture that inspires and drives behaviour, attitude, actions and processes in order to deliver value through fulilling the requirements of interested parties.The quality of an organization’s products and services is determined by not only the ability to satisfy a particular customer but also the intended and unintended impact on other interested parties.The quality of products and services include not only their intended function, but also their perceived value and benefit to the customer.
Organizations learn from relevant interested parties to develop their purpose and thereby define what outputs,outcomes, or results they need to deliver to those interested parties and to society in general. Organizations attract, capture and retain the support of organizations and individuals they depend upon for their success.
An adaptable, open and agile organization understands its context through examination of internal and external issues impacting its purpose and sustainability. In addition to financial performance, organizations may take environmental and social responsibility into account.An organization’s purpose is expressed through statements such as an organization’s Vision and mission, policies, and improvement objectives.
People are one of the most important resources of the organization. The performance of the organization is dependent upon how people behave within the system in which they work. A quality management system is more effective when management and individuals understand and develop the competence needed to perform their roles and responsibilities.People within an organization should be aligned through a common understanding of the organization’s desired outcomes and how they are driven by the quality policy. Awareness is evident when individuals understand how their role contributes to the achievement of an organization’s objectives.ISO DIS 9000 pdf free download.

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