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ISO 9587:2007 pdf free

ISO 9587:2007 pdf free.Metallic and other inorganic coatings
Parts made from steel with actual tensile strengths greater than or equal to 1 000 MPa (with corresponding hardness values of 300 HV 10, 303 HB or 31 HRC) and surface-hardened parts shall require heat treatment unless class SR-0 is specified. Preparation involving cathodic treatments in alkaline or acid solutions shall be avoided.
Tables 1 and 2 list stress-relief heat-treatment classes that can be specified by the purchaser to the electroplater, supplier or processor on the part drawing or purchase order. When no stress-relief treatment class is specified by the purchaser, then class SR-1 shall be applied.
NOTE 1 The treatment class selected is based upon experience with the part or similar parts, and the specific alloy used, or with empirical test data. Some parts, because of factors such as alloy composition and structure, size, mass or design parameters, can perform satisfactorily with no stressrelief treatment. Therefore, Class SR-0 treatment is provided for parts that the purchaser wishes to exempt from treatment.
NOTE 2 The use of inhibitors in acid pickling baths does not necessarily guarantee that hydrogen emritlement is minimized.
NOTE 3 Class SR-1,the longest treatment, is the default when the purchaser does not specify a class. The electroplater, supplier or processor is not normally in possession of the necessary information, such as design considerations, induced stresses from manufacturing operations, etc., that have to be considered in selecting the correct stress-relief treatment. It is in the purchaser’s interest that their part designer, manufacturing engineer or other technically qulified individual specify the treatment class on the part drawing or purchase order, in order to avoid the extra cost of the default treatment.
With the exception of surface-hardened parts the heat treatment conditions shall be selected on the basis of the actual tensile strength. When only the minimum tensile strength is specifed or if the tensile strength is not known, the heat treatment condition shall be selected by relating known or measured hardness values to equivalent actual tensile strengths. The tensile strength, or equivalent derived from known or measured hardness values, shall be supplied by the purchaser.
Steels that have been wholly or partly surface hardened shall be considered as being in the category appropriate to the hardness of the surface-hardened layer.ISO 9587 pdf download.

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