ISO 7076-4:2016 pdf free
ISO 7076-4:2016 pdf free.Fire protection一Foam fire extinguishing systems一High expansion foam equipment
The equipment shall be installed in the pipework as it intend used. Foam concentrate recommended by the equipment manufacturer shall be used. The temperature of foam concentrate shall within the ranges specified by the foam concentrate supplier.
The enclosure used for determining expansion ratio and foam capacity shall be of a minimum of 3 m × 3 m in area and of a height sufficient to contain a minimum 60 s of foam discharge at the specified pressure. The length and width of the enclosure shall be measured prior to the tests and the enclosure area calculated. For fixed high expansion foam equipment, test shall be conducted with the equipment mounted at the top of the enclosure; for the portable equipment, test shall be conducted with the equipment mounted in any convenient means to simulate being hand held. Foam is to be discharged at the minimum, normal and maximum inlet pressure. For each test, the flow rate, inlet pressure, time and corresponding depth of foam shall be recorded, and the foam solution flow rate (if applicable) and foam volume calculated. The foam capacity and the expansion ratio then shall be calculated.
A foam collecting vessel as shown in ISO 7203-2:2011, Annex G shall be used to collect foam for determining drainage time. The vessel shall be weighted to the nearest 0,05 kg prior to the test. Foam is to be discharged at the minimum, normal and maximum inlet pressure. With discharge facility of the vessel closed, collect foam, and start the timing device when the vessel is half full. As soon as the vessel is full, stop collecting foam and strike the foam surface level with the rim, and clean the exterior surface of the vessel of foam. Weigh the vessel and record the mass. Open the drainage facility and measure the 50 % drainage time. Determine the drainage either by placing the vessel on a set of scales and recording the mass loss or by collecting the drained foam solution in a measuring cylinder. Adjust the drainage facility such that the drained foam solution can flow out but the passage of foam is prevented. ISO 7076-4 pdf free.