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ISO 6427:2013 pdf free

ISO 6427:2013 pdf free.Plastics一Determination of matter extractable by organic solvents (conventional methods)
Weigh a test portion of the mass given in Table 1 to the nearest 1 mg in the thimble, basket or crucible,cover it with a piece of glass wool (3.3), and put it into the extraction apparatus (4.4). If the expected content of extractable material is below 0,5 % (by mass), increase the mass of the test portion to obtain a residue of at least 25 mg. Pour the appropriate volume of extraction liquid (3.1) into the flask (4.3). One or two anti-bumping granules (3.2) may be added. Mount the extractor (4.4) and the reflux condenser (4.6) on the flask and adjust the heating device (4.7) so that, when a Soxhlet-type extractor (4.4.1) is used,the extraction liquid syphons several times per hour. For the number of syphonings and the extraction time, see Table 1.
Carry out the extraction. Depending on the type of plastic extracted (see Table 2), further process the residue in accordance with 7.4 and/or the extract in accordance with 7.5.
When the extraction is finished, take the thimble, basket or crucible out of the extractor, allow it to drain and air-dry, and then dry it under the conditions given in Table 2 (depending on the kind of extraction liquid). Allow it to cool to room temperature in the desiccator (4.9) and weigh the thimble,basket or crucible to the nearest 1 mg. When a thimble is used, weigh the thimble and its contents in a closed weighing bottle.
The extraction liquid in the flask may be either distilled to about 20 ml, using the rotary evaporator (4.10.1) or distillation apparatus (4.10.2), or the liquid may be placed directly in a pre-dried and weighed evaporating dish (4.12). In the case of distillation of the main amount of the liquid, transfer the remaining contents of the flask into a dried and weighed evaporating dish. If there are anti-bumping granules in the flask, remove these by filtration. Wash the flask three times with 5 ml of the extraction liquid, collecting the washings in the evaporating dish.
Dry the extract under the conditions given in Table 2. If no conditions are specified for the material being tested, place the dish on a water bath and evaporate the extraction liquid completely; dry the dish with the extract in the vacuum oven (4.11) at 40 °C and at a pressure less than or equal to 3 kPa1) until constant mass is reached. Allow the dish to cool in the desiccator (4.9) to room temperature and weigh to the nearest 0,2 mg. ISO 6427 pdf download.


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