ISO 5667:2014 pdf free
ISO 5667:2014 pdf free.Water quality一Sampling一Guidance on quality assurance and quality control of environmental water sampling and handling
A programme to establish sampling quality should be established for every series of sampling, so as to ensure that data resulting from sampling programmes are both trustworthy and scientifically credible.Mistakes in any step of the sampling procedure can result in substantial errors within the resulting data.Laboratories that analyse collected samples usually have rigorous programmes of quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) as required by national regulation and conforming to ISO/IEC 17025. However,such laboratory programmes of QA/QC canno substitute for the rigorous sampling quality programmes required for the collection and handling of samples prior to delivery to laboratories for analysis.Sampling quality programmes comprise all the steps taken to ensure that valid results are produced.Sampling quality programmes include documented evidence that the individuals who collect samples are competent and well trained, that appropriate sample collection and sample handling methods were employed, that equipment were maintained and calibrated, that correct practices were followed and that records are both complete and secure. It is important to establish a quality assurance programme and quality control effective for the characterization and reduction of errors. Depending on the objective (e.g. to check for any contamination of the sample at different points in the sampling procedure, and identify potential problems), the quality control set up will be different. See Table 1.
Totake asample correctly, adequate and cleaned equipment [such as sample containers, samplingdevices,filtration equipment, a homogenizer, an intermediate container (funnel, spoon), and measurement equipment for on-site analysis] should be held in sufficient numbers. Regular maintenance of all equipment should be guaranteed.
The sampling vehicle and the facility should be equipped in accordance with the requirements for sampling (laboratory vehicle).
The sampling personnel should have relevant professional training, e.g. completed vocational education as a chemical laboratory assistant or specialist for waste water engineering. An essential prerequisite is appropriate initial job-training and regular training of sampling personnel. Participation in internal and/or external training should be documented (see 5.4).ISO 5667 pdf download.