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ISO 37161:2020 pdf free

ISO 37161:2020 pdf free.Smart community infrastructures – Guidance on smart transportation for energy saving in transportation services
For successful energy saving through smart transportation, transportation organizations and structures should be studied in order to properly introduce smart transportation in suitable locations in transportation systems. Transportation in cities and city zones consists of single carriers, independent service lines, local transportation systems and/or large transportation networks. Thus, energy-saving options can be adopted in all of these elements as well as in entire transportation systems.
Besides transportation system route extents, the energy to be saved is not necessarily only the energy consumed by running transportation vehicles but also that used indirectly or additionally for vehicle operation. This includes the energy used for lighting, air-conditioning, passenger access assistance equipment in stations, ticketing and ticket inspection systems, passenger addressing systems, vehicle accommodation, transportation operation and maintenance systems (e.g. signalling, communication,powering and safety systems, all being work done at maintenance facilities and on service lines) and waste disposal and recycling of batteries if sustainable and economically viable.
As discussed in 4.2, energy saving targets should be carefully determined when introducing smart transportation in transportation system structures. ISO 37154 describes these structures according to the transportation modes used. Each transportation mode has specific transportation technical and business contents that provide characteristic transportation services to customers. Thus, smart transportation for energy saving targets all or part of the structures featured by transportation services, transportation technical and business contents and transportation modes.
When only one energy-saving option is applied, it is simply adopted in the targeted single carriers,independent service lines, local transportation service areas and/or large transportation networks.More than one option can be applied in the same way as when adopting a single option. In this case,two or more options should be applied by individually optimizing respective options and re-optimizing inter-operationally if necessary. When energy-saving options are adopted not in a single carrier or independent service line but in local transportation systems and/or large transportation networks, the applied option should be optimized in the same way as when more than one option is applied.ISO 37161 pdf free download.

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