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ISO 23833:2013 pdf free

ISO 23833:2013 pdf free.Microbeam analysis一Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)一Vocabulary
mathematical description of energy loss by fast electrons propagating through matter in which all of the discrete inelastic processes are approximated as a single continuous energy loss process
Note 1 to entry: Also known as the continuous slowing -down approximation (CSDA).
interaction of an energetic electron from the impinging beam and a specimen atom during which the electron’s energy remains essentially unaltered but its trajectory is changed by an angle from 0 up to π rad (180°) with an average of approximately 0,1 rad
interaction of an energetic electron from the impinging beam and a specimen atom or electron during which kinetic energy is lost to the specimen by various mechanisms (secondary electron generation,bremsstrahlung, inner shell ionization, plasmon and photon excitation)
Note 1 to entry: For inelastic scattering the electron trajectory is modified by a small angle, generally less than 0,01 rad.
number of scattering events per unit area mathematical description of the probability of a scattering event (elastic or inelastic)
Note 1 to entry: See ionization cross-section (3.4.4).
Note 2 to entry: Scattering cross-section is usually expressed simply as an area, in cm2. The number of scattering events per unit area is expressed in events/(atoms/cm2).
measurable physical phenomenon, such as electron backscattering or loss of X-ray generation, that results from modification of the trajectory and/or kinetic energy of an impinging energetic beam electron by scattering processes in the specimen Electron emitted from the specimen as a result of inelastic scattering of the primary beam electron by loosely bound valence-level electrons of the specimen
Note 1 to entry: Secondary electrons have conventionally an energy less than 50 eV.
photon of electromagnetic radiation created by fluorescence of an inner shell electron vacancy or by deceleration of an energetic electron in the Coulombic field of an atom
photon of electromagnetic radiation created by the relaxation of an excited atomic state created by inner shell ionization following inelastic scattering of an energetic electron or ion, or by absorption of an X-ray photon
photon of electromagnetic radiation created by deceleration (an inelastic scattering mechanism) of an energetic electron in the Coulombic field of an atom.ISO 23833 pdf download.

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