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ISO 17325-1:2014 pdf free

ISO 17325-1:2014 pdf free.Ships and marine technology一Marine environment protection一Oil booms
This part of ISO 17325 specifies the basic design requirements, general function, designations and marking of oil booms. It further specifies minimum information regarding design, dimensions and materials of oil booms to be provided by the manufacturer.
The intent of this International Standard is to assist manufacturers and facilitate user selection of booms by technical criteria. It does not purport to address all aspects of booms or safety concerns associated with boom use, nor does it define boom operational procedures. It is the responsibility of the user of this International Standard to establish the appropriate safety and health practices, and determine applicability of regulatory limitations.
A boom which consists of a self-supporting or stiffened membrane supported by floatation, which is rigid in the vertical cross-section, and usually has solid floats as buoyancy material. Fence booms are often used in areas with no or limited waves.
A boom intended for containment of a burning oil slick and used for in situ burning. The main criterion of the boom is fire resistance of the boom material above the waterline. Although most of the fire resistant boom types will only be used once, some have a cooling system incorporated which could allow the boom to be used more times. Other fire resistant booms are made of stainless steel and can also be reused.
A boom that, when grounded, seals against the shoreline. It is a special type of boom used in inter-tidal zones. It is normally designed with two lower parallel water chambers and one top air chamber. This design creates an oil tight seal when the boom is situated directly on the beach or river bank. The top air chamber ensures the boom will float when in the water.
A boom that can be deployed before an oil slick reaches the shoreline in order to protect a specific location by guiding the oil slick into less sensitive areas or collection devices, such as skimmers.ISO 17325-1 pdf download.

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