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ISO 17258:2015 pdf free

ISO 17258:2015 pdf free.Statistical methods一Six Sigma一Basic criteria underlying benchmarking for Six Sigma in organisations
Benchmarking is required to be applied to the criteria. This methodology defines 10 main criteria. If one of the criteria is irrelevant, the organization will explicitly give an explanation for excluding it from benchmarking. Two optional criteria are proposed, making a total of 12. ISO 17258 focuses on 10 main and two optional criteria clustered into three types. The main criteria are also named generic criteria.
To have a universal benchmark, 10 main criteria are defined and they are clustered into two types. A third type is for optional criteria (see Table 1).
These main criteria are divided into sub-criteria. Annex B gives the list of the sub-criteria. The main criteria describe the basic requirement of the consumer such as security or on-time delivery. The sub-criteria give a practical way to obtain the measure. A main criterion can have from one to eight sub-criteria. In case of several sub-criteria, each one gives a measure and the main criteria can have up to eight resulting measures (8-uple).
EXAMPLE Compliance has four sub-criteria: regulation, functional, contractual, and company policies. A result of measures would be (100 %, 95 %, 82 %, and 95 %) and if the company has no policy, then it would be (100 %, 95 %, 82 %, and not applicable).
The organization should describe its policy and implementation of the 10 generic criteria with all its sub-criteria (total of 30). Annex B gives the description of all main criteria and sub-criteria. If one of the sub-criteria has no practice (e.g. no ethical charter or no charity programme in the organization), it shall be explicitly mentioned and excluded from the benchmarking.
This sub-clause gives an overview and the requirements for the measures.
The measures are performed on the main processes of the organization (see Introduction).
The inputs of the organization level process are the inputs of the organization. The outputs of the organization level process are the outputs (or deliveries) ofthe organization. The main process is a bundle of processes and each process is a set of activities. Each process can belong to a type of process such as functional process (e.g. purchasing, sales, finance), support process (IT process, HR), or management process (project management, accounting management.ISO 17258 pdf download.

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