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ISO 14034:2016 pdf free

ISO 14034:2016 pdf free.Environmental management一Environmental technology verification (ETV)
The purpose of environmental technology verification is to provide a credible and impartial account of the performance of environmental technologies. Environmental technology verification is based on a number of principles to ensure that verifications are performed and reported accurately, clearly,unambiguously and objectively.
Verification statements are based on factual and relevant evidence confirming objectively the performance of environmental technologies.
Environmental technology verification is a tool that supports sustainability by providing credible information on the performance of environmental technologies.
Environmental technology verification is based on reliable test results and robust procedures. The process is facilitated such that, to the greatest extent possible, methods and data are fully disclosed and reports are clear, complete, objective and useful to the interested parties.
To maximize the utility of results, environmental technology verification allows for flexibility in the specification of the performance parameters and test methods. This is achieved through a dialogue between the applicant, verifier and interested parties.
description of the technology:
1) a unique identifier for the technology (e.g. a commercial name, an identification number or version number);
2) information about the intended application of the technology expressed in terms of:
i) technology purpose,
ii) type of material that the technology is intended for,
iii) measurable property that is affected by the technology and the way in which it is affected;
NOTE 1 More than one technology purpose, type of material and measurable property can be provided.
3) information sufficient to understand the operation and performance of the technology;
4) development status of the technology proposed for verification and its readiness for market;
NOTE 2 Technology proposed for verification needs to be either already available on the market or available at least at a stage where no substantial change affecting its performance will be implemented before its market entry.
5) information on relevant alternative of the technology; including its relevant performance and environmental impacts;
6) information on significant environmental impacts of the technology proposed for verification and its environmental added value, if applicable.ISO 14034 pdf free download.

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