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ISO 1130:1975 pdf free

ISO 1130:1975 pdf free.Textile fibres一Some methods of sampling for testing
Select a minimum of a hundred tufts; take an equal number of tufts from each layer of each bale.
NOTE一For most commercial purposes, when selecting a commercial sample from a bale of cotton it is impracticable to obtain a representative sample by opening a bale and following the procedure described in 4.2 above. Samples prepared by selecting cotton from one or two layers in a bale are acceptable for many purposes of quality classification, and for some forms of testing (for example, determination of micronaire value) when past experience indicates that the feature under consideration varies appreciably
more from bale to bale in a commercial lot than between layers in the same bale. Under such circumstances, it is recommended that a commercial sample be prepared in the form of two clumps of cotton, similar in surface area and mass, taken from opposite outer layers of the bale. The face of the sample should be not less than 120 mm × 150 mm and the total mass not less than 150 g. A sample consisting of a clump, of the same surface area and total mass, cut from one outer layer only, is less representative and will be deermed to fulfil the requirements of this International Standard only if mutually agreed by the parties concerned.
From each bale to be sampled take four handfuls each of about 10 g, taking two of them from different places in the outside zone1) and two from different places in the inside zone1). Keep the four handfuls separate.
From each of the handfuls, take a tuft of about 100 mg and divide it into four parts, each of about 25 mg. Lay out separately the sixteen resulting tufts, all derived from the same bale. With each of theso tufts combine one of the sixteen tufts prepared in the same way from each of the other sampled bales. In this way prepare sixteen sub-samples, each of which includes about 25 mg of fibres from each bale that has been sampled. Prepare the final representative sample from these sixteen sub-samples by repeated doubling and halving as follows.ISO 1130 pdf download.

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