ISO 1043-3:2016 pdf free
ISO 1043-3:2016 pdf free.Plastics – Symbols and abbreviated terms – Plasticizers
The list comprises the abbreviated term, the commonly used name or names and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) equivalent and the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CAS-RN) where these are available. In cases where IUPAC nomenclature or the CAS-RN is not available due to uncertainty or ambiguity, this is indicated in the text.
The commonly used chemical name or the IUPAC name given in this part of ISO 1043 shall be referred to when defining each abbreviated term.
It should be recognized that, in use in the rubber and plastics industries, many plasticizers are “commercial” or “technical” grades and not necessarily pure forms of substances.
No symbol is used in the abbreviated terms to indicate normal (n-) linear alcohols. For branched (iso) alcohols, the additional symbol I is used, with one exception: in view of worldwide usage of the symbol 0 for 2-ethylhexyl (for example, in DOA and DOP), this practice is observed in this part of ISO 1043 and the n-octyl group is designated NO (as in DNOP). Because of this dual usage, the application of the rule specified in 4.1 is most important.
The symbol I designates iso-branched groups (for example, DIOP). However, DTDP is sometimes used instead of DITDP because di-n-tridecyl phthalate is not used as a plasticizer; when DTDP is used, the application of the rule specified in 4.1 is most important.
For plasticizers based on di-esters of the same alcohol, the first symbol of the abbreviated term is D.
The letter P may be used in place of F for “phosphate” in abbreviated terms for plasticizers.
Several plasticizers having “iso”names indicating branched groups might consist of several isomers. For this reason, no single IUPAC name can describe the detailed chemical composition of each of these plasticizers.
Some plasticizers consisting of esters of more than one alcohol are known by a combined number and letter code, e.g. 711A is an alternative common name for heptyl nonyl undecyl adipate (HNUA). The first digit represents the number of carbon atoms in the shortest alkyl group and the second and third digits represent that of the longest alkyl group in the plasticizer; thus 7 denotes heptyl and 11 denotes undecyl. The letter at the end of the code is either A, which denotes adipate, or P, which denotes phthalate.ISO 1043-3 pdf free.