BS ISO 8528-2:2018 pdf free
BS ISO 8528-2:2018 pdf free.Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets
The RIC engine power (see ISO 8528-1) required for a particular application to drive the a.c. generator under site conditions with any essential independent auxiliaries attached/connected (see ISO 3046-1) and with the generating set developing its rated electrical power, shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of ISO 3046-1.
In order to ensure that a continuous supply of electrical power is available to the connected load, it is essential that the actual power output required from the RIC engine driving the a.c. generator is not more than the service power.
The customer shall be made aware that extended running under low load may affect the reliability and life of the RIC engine. The RIC engine manufacturer shall provide the generating set manufacturer with data regarding the minimum load the RIC engine is capable of sustaining indefinitely without deterioration. If the generating set is to be operated at lower loads than this minimum, the RIC engine manufacturer shall specify the measures to be adopted and/or corrective procedures to be used to alleviate the problem.
The choice of governing system fitted to the RIC engine shall be based upon the steady-state and transient speed performance requested by the customer. The generating set manufacturer shall ensure that a suitable governing system, approved by the RIC engine manufacturer, is selected to meet the application requirements.
ISO 3046-4 establishes general requirements and parameters of speed governing systems and general requirements for overspeed protection devices.
The terms, symbols and definitions for speed characteristics are given in Clause 3.
It is a P governor which in addition proportionally corrects the control signal to the RIC engine when there is a load-related change in speed due to a change in the a.c. generator electrical load. It also corrects the change in speed with an integral action. If this governor type is used, a change in electrical load does not usually result in a change in speed. To make generating set parallel operation possible, and if no additional governing of the load sharing is provided, a PI governor shall also work as a P governor.BS ISO 8528-2 pdf download.