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BS ISO 50006:2014 pdf free

BS ISO 50006:2014 pdf free.Energy management systems一General principles and guidance
The organization may determine that the significance of the energy use in an EnPI boundary or the opportunity for improvement is sufficiently high to justify the expense of new meters, sub-meters, and/or sensors to measure other relevant variables. In such cases, the organization will specify such metering in its monitoring, measurement, and analysis plan.
When organizations use estimated values to calculate EnPIs and the corresponding EnBs, they should document their assumptions and methods.
An organization may discover that some of the EnPIs that were identified previously as significant may not be measurable due to data limitations or other barriers. In this case, the organization will need to  assess, and consequently refine the EnPIs or introduce additional meters or measurement methods.
Energy consumption is ty pically measured using permanent meters or sub-meters or with temporary metering. Energy consumption should be measured and calculated by using data over a specific period of time.
When choosing EnPls, the organization should consider its existing measurement and monitoring capabilities. The organization should take measurements for each energy value and relevant variable necessary to calculate the selected EnPIs and the corresponding EnBs.
NOTE In many cases, the quantity of energy consumed needs to be measured indirectly. This can require measuring a flow, volume or mass of fuel supplied and can vary with factors such as composition, outdoor temperature, pressure and other factors. Multipliers or factors are commonly applied to the actual measured flow of gas or liquid fuel to calculate the quantity of energy contained in the fuel.
Measurements can be taken on a spot basis (e.g. using mobile/ portable meters), on a temporary basis (e.g. using data loggers), or continuously (e.g. using data from a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system or a data acquisition and handling system (DAHS). Energy consumption and relevant
variables used to calculate each EnPI should be measured at the same time and frequency. If continuous measurement is not possible, the organization should ensure that spot or temporary measurements are made during periods that are representative of the typical pattern of operation.
All measurements should be accurate and repeatable and the corresponding meters calibrated. All measured values should be validated.BS ISO 50006 pdf download.

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