BS ISO 4665:2016 pdf free
BS ISO 4665:2016 pdf free.Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Resistance to weathering
Carry out the exposure in accordance with the relevant method of ISO 877, with the following additions and modifications:
一For tests under strain, prepare the test pieces and place them under strain in accordance with ISO 1431-1.
一It is recommended that one or more of the weathering reference materials described in Annex A be used as a control, the material selected depending on the type of rubber compound under test. The effects of natural weathering on these materials in a range of climates are detailed in Reference [1] and Reference [2].
一Condition the test pieces in accordance with ISO 23529.
Carry out the exposure in accordance with ISO 4892-1 and, as relevant, ISO 4892-2, ISO 4892-3, or ISO 4892-4, with the following additions and modifications:
For tests under strain, prepare the test pieces and place them under strain in accordance with ISO 1431-1 It is recommended that one or more of the weathering reference materials described in Annex A be used as a control, the material selected depending on the type of rubber compound under test. The effects of natural weathering on these materials in a range of climates are detailed in Reference [1] and Reference [2].
Condition the test pieces in accordance with ISO 23529.
NOTE 1 The general guidance on weathering of plastics given in ISO 4892-1 is applicable to rubbers.
NOTE 2 In general, an open-flame carbon-arc lamp is not recommended because it is not representative of sunlight.
Examine each test piece visually after each exposure stage for changes in appearance using, if appropriate, the procedure given in a relevant International Standard. Some examples of parameters used to assess change in appearance are listed in Annex B.
Ozone cracking shall be assessed in accordance with ISO 1431-1.
NOTE Cracking or crazing in rubber test pieces exposed outdoors can result from light ageing as well as from ozone attack. A distinction is not always possible, particularly with light-coloured rubbers. Sunlight crazing is characterized by shallow cracks and usually occurs independently of strain, whereas a threshold strain has to be exceeded for ozone cracking to occur. Where there is doubt, it is useful to expose an unstrained test piece alongside the strained test piece for comparison.BS ISO 4665 pdf free.