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BS ISO 22274:2013 pdf free

BS ISO 22274:2013 pdf free.Systems to manage terminology, knowledge and content
A key requirement on classification systems is consistency. Classes shall be clearly separated from each other and their individual areas of applicability shall not overlap. Especially in cases when processing by information technology is envisaged, a clear structure and the absence of ambiguities is a requirement. Definitions shall clearly identify the specific concepts that make up the various classes.
The terms used to name the classes as well as those used in the definitions of classes and any other information in the classification system shall be consistent. A consistent terminology provides the basis for an unambiguous communication between users as well as between software applications.
The rules for creating classes and for writing definitions shall be documented and made available for users and providers of content. Clear definitions of the concepts employed in the classification system make it more comprehensible and reduce ambiguities. The levels of the classification system and their divisions into individual classes shall be explicitly defined. The criteria or rules for creating new hierarchy levels or new classes shall be documented.
Extensibility is the ability to accommodate new classes at their correct place in the classification system.Classes shall be created in a level or position in the hierarchy that reflects their relations to existing classes. Classification systems shall be extensible so that they can accommodate new requirements or perspectives within their area of applicability.
Enumerative classification systems attempt to list all possible subjects within their defined area of applicability. They are in many cases represented by using hierarchies. Nevertheless, in some cases enumerative schemes may be represented by simple unstructured sets of objects.
NOTE 1 See Reference [26] for an in-depth treatment of enumerative classification systems.The hierarchy utilizes a“top down” approach, a process of division producing a series of classes in successive subordination. Thus, the number of subclasses of any class may require a limitation for ease of handling by the intended users of the classification system.
NOTE 2 Successive subordination of classes creates a hierarchical structure of the classification system. Thus,enumerative classification systems are also referred to as hierarchical classification systems.BS ISO 22274 pdf download.

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