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BS ISO 20902-1:2018 pdf free

BS ISO 20902-1:2018 pdf free.Fire test procedures for divisional elements that are typically used in oil, gas and petrochemical industries
The method provides an indication of how divisional elements protected with fire protection systems or materials perform when they are exposed to fire conditions specified by furnace time-temperature curves. It simulates the thermal and mechanical loads to a divisional element engulfed in fire, through the use of furnace testing and exposed external loads, if necessary. To maintain compatibility with both prescriptive regulations and performance-based requirements derived from risk-analysis, it is non-prescriptive in terms of failure criteria and thermal loads. Classification procedures are given to facilitate the correct interpretation of test results derived in compliance with this standard.
The test specimen shall be representative of the construction for which classification is required. Test specimens intended to satisfy the requirements of the FTP Code, IMO Resolution MSC 307(88), Annex 1,Fire Test Procedures, Part 3, “Test for“A” (et al.) class divisions” are subject to additional requirements relating to their design and construction as described within the above resolution. Additional requirements within MSC 307(88) beyond the scope of this document shall be considered compatible with the requirements herein, i.e. tests may comply with both MSC 307(88) and this document.
Test results shall only be applicable in the orientation in which they have been tested; therefore,vertical divisional elements shall be tested vertically mounted, and horizontal divisional elements shall be tested horizontally mounted.
Vertical divisional elements shall be tested in the most onerous manner, which is considered to be with the insulation on the unexposed face and the stiffeners also on that side. For “restricted application”, i.e.where the fire hazard has been identified as being from the insulated side only, the vertical divisional element can be tested with the insulation on the exposed face and with the stiffeners also on that side.
If approval of a vertical divisional element is being sought involving fire- hazard from both sides and the use of “double-sided application” of the insulation, the thickness of the insulation being equal on both sides of the structural core, it shall be tested with the stiffeners on the unexposed side of the vertical divisional element, otherwise it shall be tested with the side with the thinnest thickness of insulation on the exposed face.BS ISO 20902-1 pdf download.

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