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BS ISO 16779:2015 pdf free

BS ISO 16779:2015 pdf free.Sensory analysis一Assessment (determination and verification) of the shelf life of foodstuffs
The test samples should be compared with the respective reference sample.
A reference sample can be any of the following:
a) the standard used so far and descriptive data obtained in previous sensory tests and available at the starting point, e.g. results of the investigation of profiles or of descriptive tests;
b) a representative reference sample freshly produced for each test interval;
c) a reference sample stored under conditions minimizing changes of the specific product characteristics during the assessment period, such as storage under colder conditions or under a modified atmosphere.
The reference samples can be complemented by data obtained in consumer surveys.
Number and amount of the test and the reference samples required over the whole test period depend on the test intervals specified in the sampling plan, the sensory test method, the test set-up, the nature of foodstuff and the storage conditions.
The storage conditions shall be specified in order to, for example, reproduce the channel of distribution of a product and to include changes of temperature, humidity, light, atmospheric pressure and the simulation of seasonal changes of the weather (temperature variations), packaging related behaviour (migration, permeability to oxygen, water vapour barrier, perforation, etc.).
Specified storage conditions shall be recorded.
Accelerating storage conditions is intended to promote faster changes in characteristic attributes for products of long shelf life and use by date.
In cases of products with a longer shelf life (such as frozen fully preserved food and dried foodstuffs) shortening of the test period by means of accelerating product changes may be advisable.
Accelerating storage conditions shall be adapted to the product.
Accelerating storage conditions can be both specified and not specified and shall be recorded.
In the absence of prior data that would suggest otherwise, an estimation of how to shorten the test period, the Arrhenius law may be useful when the shelf life of a product is linked to water activity.
An increase of the storage temperature can save time with regard to the determination or verification of the shelf life of certain products; however, the values thus obtained only approximately reflect the product’s behaviour under normal storage conditions.BS ISO 16779 pdf download.

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