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BS ISO 16304:2018 pdf free

BS ISO 16304:2018 pdf free.Ships and marine technology一Marine environment protection一Arrangement and management of port waste reception facilities
The best possible environmental solution for waste recovery and disposal should be identified.Waste management targets adopted by the national administration for ports and terminals within its jurisdiction may be considered in the development of port waste management strategies. If there are no such targets, then the port or terminal operator may wish to consider developing them.
PRFs should use waste management technology that is current and applicable for ship generated waste and cargo residues expected from ships using the port or terminal. Recycling and reclamation of waste is preferable to disposal (see 6.5). Therefore, any waste management strategy should recognize and promote alternative methods of waste management that utilise new and emerging technologies.
The waste management strategy should be developed with an awareness of the infrastructure and support services not only throughout the port or terminal, but also beyond those physical limits.There shall be in place suitable waste transport logistics, recycling facilities, treatment facilities, and if necessary, final disposal sites. These treatment and disposal facilities may or may not be located within the port. Waste management strategies should also incorporate proactive mechanisms to inform and educate those having an interest in using the PRF.
The types and number of ships normally calling at the port or terminal and the nature of operations should be considered in the planning for the provision of a PRF. PRFs for relevant wastes shall be available without causing undue delay to ships or imposing economic or other disincentives for their use. The PWMP will provide options for waste collection and handling. The calculated PRF capacity and the design of the PRF provide a foundation for the PWMP. However, for those waste volumes that could be anticipated to fluctuate widely over different periods, the provision of a PRF should be adapted appropriately. The system designed to support and operate a PRF should consider the following core components.
The location of a PRF should be “convenient” and not create a disincentive for ships to use.2) The location shall be suitable and sufficient to allow easy and safe use that does not impose an undue delay upon the ship. Siting considerations should include an awareness of the impact on other port operations as well as the public areas surrounding the port or terminal.BS ISO 16304 pdf free.

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