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BS ISO 13722:2016 pdf free

BS ISO 13722:2016 pdf free.Microbiology of the food chain一Enumeration of Brochothrix spp.一Colony-count technique
Sampling is not part of the method specified in this International Standard. See the specific International Standard dealing with the product concerned. If there is no specific International Standard dealing with the sampling of the product concerned, it is recommended that the parties concerned come to an agreement on this subject.
Prepare the test sample from the laboratory sample in accordance with the specific International Standard dealing with the product concerned: see the ISO 6887- series or the specific International Standard appropriate to the product concerned. If there is no specific International Standard, it is recommended that the parties concerned reach agreement on this subject.
Transfer, by means of a sterile pipette (6.7) 0,1 ml of the test sample if the product is liquid, or of the initial suspension in the case of other products, to the STAA plate (A.1.5). Repeat the procedure using further decimal dilutions, if necessary. If only the initial suspension is used, also prepare duplicate plates using an additional agar plate.
Carefully spread the liquid as quickly as possible over the surface of the agar plate without touching the sides of the dish with the spreader (6.6). Use a fresh sterile spreader for each plate. Leave the plates with the lids on for about 15 min at ambient temperature for the liquid to be absorbed into the agar.
After the specified period of incubation (9.2.3), count the characteristic colonies on each dish containing 10 to 150 colonies. Characteristic colonies are shiny, round or circular colonies of diameter 1 mm or larger and have an off-white colour.Certain lactic acid bacteria may produce characteristic colonies on STAA medium. Lactic acid bacteria are differentiated from Brochothrix spp. by performing the catalase test as follows.
For each colony selected, deposit a loop of culture into a drop of hydrogen peroxide solution (A.3) on a clean microscope slide. The test is positive if bubbles appear within 30 s. Brochothrix spp. colonies give a positive catalase reaction.BS ISO 13722 pdf free download.

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