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AS 1141.1:2015 pdf free

AS 1141.1:2015 pdf free.Methods for sampling and testing aggregates
Aggregate is considered to be dried to constant mass when the difference between successive determinations of mass, after additional drying for not less than 30 min, does not exceed 0.1% of the original mass of the sample.
1 Normally drying is performed in an oven at 105°C to 110°C, but when a method requires drying at different temperatures, the specified temperatures apply.
2 Material may be dried to constant mass using alternative methods such as microwave ovens,infra-red lights or hot plates, provided tests have shown that these techniques do not disrupt or weaken particles to the extent that the property being measured is changed by the drying method.
Material derived from a sample, sub-sample or test fraction by further division and/or by screening and used for a particular test.
NOTE: The term‘sample’, and its derivatives (‘ sub-sample’,‘spot sample’,“test sample’ and, in some instances, ‘laboratory sample’) should be used in the AS 1141 series to indicate that there is a continuing representative relationship between the sample and the parent material. However, the term ‘laboratory sample’ is sometimes used to indicate material received at a laboratory where the relationship to the parent material is not stated or is uncertain. In such instances, laboratory reports may refer to results as ‘tested as received’ or use a similar wording which indicates that the relationship of the results to the parent material depends on the interpretations of the authority commissioning the testing.
The term‘ fraction’ and its derivatives refer to material that has been altered from the parent material by screening. The fraction should continue to be representative of the same size fraction in the parent material if the sampling procedures of AS 1141.3.1 or AS 1141.3.2 have been followed. There is, however, no certainty that the results from any particular size fraction will apply to any other size fraction of the same parent material.
The term‘test portion’ (or, if used, ‘test material’ or simply ‘material’) are generic terms used in the methods to refer to the material at hand. Test portions may be obtained from samples or fractions with the appropriate relationship to the parent material described above. Further detail is given in AS 1141.3.1, Appendix A. AS 1141.1 pdf free download.

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